elizabeth st.clair, psyd

I am glad you are here and are seeking to understand how therapy may be beneficial to you or a loved one. I hope this site may offer you a bit of an understanding of therapy and my specific approach in working with people. Seeking help can be a scary endeavor as it may feel like an admittance of struggle, pain or hardship. It also may feel as if you have failed because of your inability to get out of these dark places on your own. You may feel intimidated to initiate therapy because of all the potential unknowns. These are common hesitancies in moving forward with therapy, but given you have made it this far it is evident you are hungry for some sort of change.
If you find yourself curious about this process and desiring to experience greater depth and satisfaction in relationship, I encourage you to reach out for further information. <info@drelizabethstclair.com> I would love to explore how we might be able to work together or refer you to someone else if necessary.
What does therapy look like? How does it work? Will it really help? What will it help with? Is it worth the cost?
All of these doubts and questions are good and helpful. I firmly believe you wandered to this site for a reason. Thought patterns and behaviors are not working and you are dissatisfied in life. I do hope you would allow me to explore with you and identify patterns that have been unhelpful and work together to discover new ways of interacting and being with yourself and others.